group coaching

Get together a group of your friends and build a training community for that big race!

You and your friends will get personalized training, monthly training calls, a virtual community, and more! Helping you build to run your best at a race of your choosing.

If interested please see additional details below and then submit a Group Coaching Request Form (linked at bottom).

What’s Included:

  • Individualized training updated every 1-2 weeks based on each team member’s intro survey

  • Monthly team calls with education sessions focused on group’s needs

  • Race day plan

  • Personal digital training calendar

  • Email and training platform communication with coach

  • Cross-training provided as needed

  • Group Slack channel

  • Option to add strength training at athlete pricing ($15.00/mo)

  • Option to order team gear

The Details:

  • Minimum of 4 months of coaching required

  • Each group needs to have a minimum of 4 athletes

  • Cost is $110.00/month per athlete

  • Full payment up front will result in a 10% discount (each team member can choose how they’d like to submit payment)

  • Discount provided to groups assembled primarily of those under-represented in the running community


Does everybody on our team need to have the same ability?

No! While your team is required to be targeting the same race, each member will have training that is unique to their current abilities. However, if there are members on the team of similar abilities we will work to align training.

Does everybody on our team need to be able to train together?

Nope! The goal of group programming is to get you ready for the same race and to have a shared experience along the way. Group coaching calls will allow “face to face” connections and the group Slack channel will continue the shared experience within your team. If you all live and train together, we’ll work to align training sessions to be done together.

If I like working with Taylored Training for this experience can I continue being coached afterwards?

We hope you love your experience so much that you do! You can either do so by creating another group for your next race or through continuing training and development through our 1:1 coaching programs.

Do we get to choose our coach for group programming?

Coach preference will be solicited, however ultimately it will come down to availability when you apply.

How would this work if I am already a Taylored Training Athlete?

You are free to join in on the fun! The only cost to you would be if your team orders custom gear.

Why a 4 month minimum in coaching? What if my race is sooner?

In an ideal world for most athletes, we get even more than 4 months to work together as a team to allow for more education, time to develop, and fun. However, 4 months generally is enough time for most races to do a quality build (even for shorter races this time is important!).

If your races is less than 4 months out and you’re still interested we will take groups that are 2-3 months out (with some caveats). The coaching will then continue post-race with support around proper recovery, learning from race experiences, and how to develop more as an athlete in the future.

How does Group Coaching compare to your other services?

Group coaching provides more services than our training plans and monthly coaching, however fewer than our adaptive coaching. You’ll have similar communication levels as our monthly coaching athletes (email, training platform) but your training will be updated more frequently (every 1-2 weeks) much like our adaptive athletes. In addition you’ll have additional services to help create the “team atmosphere” come race day (group coaching calls, Slack channel, optional gear, race plans that align when appropriate).